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With the presence of about 650,000 villages inhabited by over 850 million consumers, the rural market in India accounts for 70% of the country’s overall population and contributes to around half of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) . This presents a huge, virtually untapped market for brands.


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  1. Striving to purchase branded, high quality products
  2. Making more informed purchase decisions, driven by improved networking and multiple information sources in favour of branded products
  3. Seeking value in products based on aspects beyond low prices, such as utility, aesthetics and features
  4. Influenced by wider reach of media and telecom
  5. Substantial increase in purchasing power of rural communities


Declining growth rates in urban markets due to market saturation is driving more and more brands towards exploring the untapped potential of the rural markets

Increased disposable income is encouraging rural customers to trade up in favour of the latest products and more expensive varients as opposed to entry level versions

Rural market consumption is growing at 1.5 times the rate in urban areas

Consumption patterns in the rural market are gradually changing to mirror those of urban markets

1/3rd of India’s largest consumer companies’ customer base already comprises of rural markets

Thus, favourable changes in rural consumption trends, coupled with the potential size and untapped nature of the rural markets present a major investment opportunity for a variety of brands.


  1. Pragati provides an end-to-end platform for brands to readily access an existing and ever-expanding rural customer base for selling their products and services.

  2. By enabling local kirana stores via our in-house app, the Pragati platform opens up huge, untapped rural markets for OEMs, providers of financial and other allied services via direct sales through the Pragati Stores.

  3. To achieve this, 72 Networks leverages its existing logistics and distribution channel network via the MFI distribution channel in rural areas to feed the new Pragati Stores sales channel.

Our vision is to eventually provide brands with direct access to 600 million household customers in rural villages. It gives our partners the opportunity to take their products and services to the last person in the value chain.

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